Svetlana Khobnya - Featured Author - EJT
Dr. Svetlana Khobnya is Lecturer in Biblical Studies, with specialisms in New Testament, Biblical Languages and Theological German, at the Nazarene Theological College, Manchester. She is a member of the Tyndale Fellowship, the British New Testament Society and the Wesleyan Theological Society, and a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. Dr. Khobnya is a visiting lecturer at the European Nazarene College in Switzerland and has taught variety of Biblical subjects in the college’s learning centres located in different countries. She is also an ordained minister in the Church of the Nazarene
I started my research in the area of Linguistics at Volgograd Pedagogical University in Russia. During that time I became a Christian and decided to change my direction to theology. To pursue that I completed a BA (EuNC, Switzerland), an MA in Theological Studies (Nazarene Theological Seminary, Kansas City) and a PhD (NTC, Manchester) in Biblical Studies. My thesis The Father Who Redeems and the Son Who Obeys: Consideration of Paul’s Teaching in Romans was published with Wipf & Stock in 2013. The book offers a narrative and intertextual analysis of Romans providing theological conclusions on how Paul explains the redemptive compassion of God for the Jews and Gentiles and what is the role of the faithful obedience of the Son in the story of God’s redemption.
I continued to work in the area of Pauline studies, intertextuality, and narrative approaches to Scripture, publishing articles and participating in collaborative projects. I have also developed an interest in papyrology. I translated and co-edited with Prof. J. Healey (University of Manchester) I. Shifman’s monograph on the Palmyrene tax inscription of 137 CE, originally published in Russian in 1980. I supervise a number of PhD students working on various projects in the NT and Linguistics. I am a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and have an ongoing interest in developing courses and programmes for the institutions I am working with.
Dr. Svetlana Khobnya
NTC, Dene Road, Didsbury, Manchester, M20 2GU, UK
2016 University of Manchester, Manchester, UK FHEA, Humanities New Academic Program
2011 Nazarene Theological College/University of Manchester, Manchester, UK PhD, New Testament Studies
Thesis title: The God Who Redeems and the Son Who Obeys: Consideration of Paul’s Teaching in Romans 2006 Nazarene Theological Seminary, Kansas City, MO MA, cum laude, Theological Studies (Biblical Research, New Testament)
Dissertation title: An Orientation toward Heavenly Citizenship as Paul’s Priority for the Church in the Epistle to the Philippians
2004 European Nazarene Bible College, now EuNC, Buesingen, Switzerland BA in Arts, magna cum laude
1988-1993 Volgograd State Pedagogical University, Volgograd, Russia Qualification as Teacher of German and English (the equivalent of MA in linguistics, summa cum laude) Thesis title: The use of Templates in Teaching Children to Compose Monologues in Foreign Languages
2012-present Nazarene Theological College, Manchester, UK Lecturer, Biblical Studies and Research Supervision
2000-present European Nazarene College, Buesingen, Switzerland Adjunct Faculty and since 2007 Visiting Lecturer
1993-1995 Volgograd State Pedagogical University, Volgograd, Russia Lecturer, German as the Second Foreign Language Department
2009-Present Heysham Church of the Nazarene, Heysham, UK Visiting Preacher
2011-Present Bolton Brownlow Fold Church of the Nazarene, Bolton, UK Visiting Preacher
2011-2014 Nazarene Theological College, Manchester, UK Chaplain
2002-2006 “Light of Hope” Church of the Nazarene, Volgograd, Russia Co-pastor and Ordained Minister
“God the Father in the Old Testament” in European Journal of Theology 20.2 (2011): 139-148.
The Father Who Redeems and the Son Who Obeys: Consideration of Paul’s Teaching in Romans. Eugene: Wipf & Stock, 2013.
“The Root’ in Paul’s Olive Tree Metaphor (Romans 11:16-24)” in Tyndale Bulletin 64.2 (2013): 257-273.
The Palmyrene Tax Tariff by I. S. Shifman (translated and edited with Dr. John F. Healey). Journal of Semitic Studies Supplement 33: Oxford University Press, 2014.
“Holiness in Relation to Purity in Ephesians.” Pages 196-200 in Renovating Holiness. Edited by Joshua Broward and Thomas Oord. Nampa: Sacra Sage Press, 2015.
“Human Sinful Condition” in Holiness Today, special edition (2015): 42-44.
“Reconciliation Must Prevail. A fresh look at 2 Corinthians 5:14–6:2” in European Journal of Theology 25.2 (2016)
“The Good News of the Inaugurated Kingdom of God” in the collection of essays for the Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City. Forthcoming.
Tyndale Fellowship
Wesleyan Theological Society
British New Testament Society
Fellow of the Higher Education Academy